The obvious concept here was to build two dragons into a yin-yang style design. I actually had a lot of fun drawing up the diamond scales. Two opposing forces that exist in harmony.
I recently had the band Ghyti visit my studio for some updated photos with their new guitarist Nick. The vignetted group composition (top left) was made by placing a toilet roll insulated with foil over the flash so it sent a very direct but randomly shaped beam of light at the faces. There's some light painting and double exposure in there too as well as a standard outdoor group shot at dusk. You can check out and a music video from Ghyti below. The video was made using a series of stills I took with a Nikon d40. Find out more about Ghyti here If you are a band and are interested in photography or video to help promote your work I take on a few projects a year so I might be able to help you out. Email me here : [email protected] The Wooden Dragon Spirit is plane hopping, separating the cloud barrier between his level of heaven and that of the spirits of water, he answers a question for Master Fish by saying "Each life has its way, each way is a journey. And to leap to its end is like jumping from birth to death".
The Rememberz have just released a video I created in conjunction with the band. It was a new approach for me in that the band gave me a stack of handycam footage and two hours with a Ford Galaxy to take as much footage as I wanted. I've spent a few late Saturday's infront of Rage watching "Karma Police" by Radiohead so it was my first point of reference and a heavy influence on the video. The band wanted a certain vintage look, which alongside of Tarantino, I too enjoy. Thank you to the various Youtube users that provided me with film grain overlays. As an added point of interest I worked in a format of 1920x860, aiming to give it a particularly wide screen look. Hopefully it's something you like : There's also a Rip It Up article that gives a good summary of the video and the band.
Here's how my mates and I spent our time a few weekends back. They played music, I drew pictures. Just doing what we like to do. Thanks for the vid spoz Hey everyone, here's a little experimental pot I created. It was meant to hold some sort of succulent plant but for the time being it's a useful vessel for holding my chickens fresh eggs. I'm considering doing a series of animal pots, what do you think?
I'm putting in a last hard push to get through a few creative projects in the last weeks before Christmas. I'm channeling my inner Tarantino for the current music video I am working on and of course I am painting some fish. I'm also going to perform some live art with Trent Worley this Sunday at Wild at Hart markets at Port Adelaide 10am-12.
Sam Williams, featured in "Black Betty" The ExperimentIn this experiment I teamed up with The Hushes on a Sunday morning about 5 months ago. We decided to shoot only 2 takes per band member per song and any mistakes were not to be re-shot. Only 2 cameras could be used at once and what ever footage we had at the end of 5 hours would create the final three clips. Rain and SnowThe first video shot was "Rain and Snow" and it was featured as part of the Live at the Port Youtube series. Originally it was one of my least favourite sets of footage perhaps due to the mustard walls we used as a backdrop. It turned out to be a positive in that it gained a vintage look that I tried to play on. As an overlay I used out of focus footage of flashing LED lights which I was hoping would add an element of playfulness and variations in colour. |
May 2021