I made a couple more smaller bearcats last night and then moved on to painting the bigger ones that came out of the kiln today. Another firing and then an oxide. Finished product coming soon!
The 2 pieces were my first experiments with making wall hanging masks. Since then I have applied the technique to various designs. Some are a bit darker, like the zombie head below but I've also been experimenting with more tribal designs recently.
R U Ok? Day is on Thursday the 13th of September. It's purpose is to help end suicide by empowering people to make a difference through open and honest conversation and to drive real connection. Lets Play For has organised an event featuring local artists and musicians. I've donated a stack of work which is going up for auction with all proceeds going towards suicide prevention. Here's their promo blurb : "Lets Play For will auction works from Steve O'Connor- an Adelaide based artist at our event, September 16th @ The Gov. Steve O'Connor has a vast eclectic body of work ranging from sculpture, painting, drawing & film. Check out his brand new website & keep an eye out for his work hidden in all sorts of nooks & crannies around town". If you are in Adelaide this Sunday, if you like art and music and if you like supporting a good cause then get down to the Gov and be a part of Let's Play For's R U OK Day event. My mate Badjonni has a keen enthusiasm for photography. He's certainly taught me a lot about photography over the last few years. I was going through his albums the other day and noticed a couple of snaps he's grabbed of some pieces I had totally forgotten about. Check out Badjonni on Flickr.
I've used this design a few times. Once on a guitar and a few times on smaller canvases. The large canvas in the above photo was the first version, followed by stencils developed from the mural.
May 2021